Ruck's Rodeo

Mrs. Ruck's Second Grade Class

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Guess My Habitat

'I hear, I forget...I see, I remember...I do, I understand' (Old Chinese Proverb)

Now isn't that the truth? Keeping this simple, yet powerful teaching motto in mind, I try to find many opportunities for my kiddos to get up, move around, and get their brain juices flowing.  At the end of our science unit on Habitats I decided to check their understanding by having them show me what they had learned.

Keeping a secret can be so much fun!
It was a very simple lesson that involved drawing a picture.  Now, when I say that they drew a picture, I'm not referring to a pencil and paper sketch with stick figures and scribbles.  I'm talking about a vivid illustration that is full of details.

Before we began the assignment we discussed how to draw an illustration.  This may seem silly but I really wanted to assess their learning and could only do so by taking a peek into their minds through their depictions on paper.

Each team was assigned a different habitat (desert, ocean, pond/lake, forest).  Once the objections and expectations of the lesson had been discussed, I turned on some classical music jams and set the timer to  fifteen minutes.

As the students finished, I secretly taped each masterpiece onto their backs, which seemed to trigger a room full of giggles.  Once the timer buzzed each team was directed to stand up-hand up-pair up (a snazzy Kagan strategy that we had been practicing).  The remainder of the lesson continued with students providing clues to their partners, in order for the other to guess their habitat.

I, on the other hand, received the pleasure of floating around the room and feeling overjoyed as I heard so many phenomenal examples of higher order thinking questions.

Who would have thought that learning could be so fun?!

Desert Illustration

Forest Illustration

Ocean Illustration

Once students guessed the correct habitat, they gave their partner a high
five and put their hand up to find another available partner.


  1. I love this idea and can think of tons of ways to use it. I agree about adding details to illustrations...that is one of those little tidbits they don't teach you in college. =)

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    Heather's Heart

  2. Thank you! I just became a follower of your blog...I love your items from TPT!
